
Cooking up a storm

In the bustling heart of Ang Mo Kio Central Market & Food Centre, a young couple have traded their corporate and army captain lives for the rich aromas and sizzling sounds of a hawker stall. Ms Teresa Lim, 28, and her husband Mr Xander Ng, 29, now bring youthful energy and innovative ideas to Xin Mei Congee, a cherished family business started by Teresa’s parents 22 years ago. 

Teresa’s journey began in 2020 when her parents were considering winding down the business due to age and lack of manpower. Feeling a strong desire to preserve their legacy, she made a bold departure from her role as a senior human resource executive at an international e-commerce company. "I grew up eating their porridge and love it. I thought it would be a waste if it ended," she said, reflecting on her deep emotional ties to the food and her parents' hard work.

Growing up, she and her siblings helped out at the stall. During her time at polytechnic and university, she took orders and manned the cashier, gaining valuable insight into running a hawker stall. 

"I love to cook, and have some cooking experience from an elective I took at school, so it wasn't difficult for me to pick up the cooking," she said. Every morning, they make fresh congee with pearl rice and fritters to go with the meal. 

But one of the biggest challenges she faced in the transition to hawker was adapting to the intense heat. “When I worked in the corporate world, I used to sit comfortably in an air-conditioned office and wear pretty dresses,” she said with a smile. 

Due to her young age, some of their regular customers were sceptical about her ability to cook the congee as well as her parents. "They told me their meat had to be well-cooked," she recalled, underscoring the pressure to live up to the high standards set by her parents.

To support her through the transition, Xander initially helped out at the stall on weekends. But his love and commitment to their shared vision soon led him to leave his army career and join her full-time in 2023. “Many people say that a job in the army is like an iron rice bowl. As a hawker, there will be days when you have good profits and other days when you have bad profits," he shared. “But I want to help my wife achieve her dream and preserve the family business.”

Tradition meets innovation

Tradition meets innovation

While retaining the original recipe and cooking method taught by Teresa’s father, they have introduced new menu items to cater to the younger customers. These include smoked duck congee and ke kou mian (可口面), which are instant noodles cooked with sliced pork, minced meat, pork liver, egg and vegetables.

Teresa began implementing branding in her family business by redesigning the stall's logo and printing it on paper bowls for takeaway. "My parents used transparent plastic containers," she said. “I told them that branding is important. I started sourcing new containers and adapted the old logo with a fresh design.” Initially reluctant, her parents eventually saw the value and let her continue with the idea. She also extended the new branding to their uniforms to give the business a more professional image.

She also uses social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to raise awareness of the stall. "This hawker centre has been around for a long time and some customers may have moved away, while others may have forgotten about us. So sometimes I livestream my daily life as a hawker and share some personal stories," she said, adding a personal touch to her marketing efforts.

Meanwhile, Xander has tapped into his army experience to implement systems that ensure the stall runs smoothly. "I standardise certain procedures, such as which steps to take first and what needs to be prepared for today and the next day's work," he said. His structured approach has helped streamline their processes, making daily tasks more efficient and organised.

Teresa's parents are now semi-retired, and the couple run the stall daily from 8am to 7.30pm with the help of an assistant. They hoped their congee stall would continue to thrive and planned to implement more standard operating procedures in future. "We want to ensure the quality and consistency of our food while making our operations smoother," Teresa said. 

Xin Mei Congee: 724 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6, #01-32






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நல்ல வேலையில் இருந்த ஓர் இளம் தம்பதியினர், அந்த வேலையை விட்டுவிட்டு அங் மோ கியோ சென்ட்ரல் சந்தை, உணவு நிலையத்தில் தங்கள் குடும்பத்தின் தொழிலைத் தொடர்ந்து நடத்தும் முயற்சியில் இறங்கியுள்ளனர். சின் மெய் கஞ்சிக் கடையின் பெயரை விளம்பரப்படுத்தி, நிலையான பணிமுறைகளை அமல்படுத்தி, தொழிலை வளர்க்க சமூக வலைத்தளங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி, குடும்பக் கடையில் புத்தாக்கத்தைப் புகுத்தியுள்ளனர் இந்தத் தம்பதியினர்.  

