
Unlocking career success

In today's rapidly changing job market, technological advancements, automation and evolving industry trends require us to constantly update our skills and knowledge to stay relevant.

Ms Nurajibah Bte Mohamad Ali, an Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) career coach with more than 15 years of coaching experience, shared some tips on how you can gain the confidence and skills needed to adapt in a fast-paced work environment.

Ms Nurajibah providing advice to a customer.

Develop future-ready skills

Acquiring such skills that are transferable across industries will help you enhance your employability and pursue different career opportunities. These skills include digital marketing, good communication and critical thinking.

Good communication skills would be an advantage as many of us will need to work with people of different backgrounds, ages and cultures. Strong critical thinking skills also show how people can adapt to and overcome difficult situations. For example, a good project manager can use critical thinking skills to come up with creative ideas to resolve stakeholder conflicts.

Tap into relevant experience for your new job

If you’re a fresh graduate with no work experience, you can highlight the skills and experience you’ve gained through internships or volunteering in your resume or job interview.

Take the case of a 34-year-old lady with a newborn baby. She has a background in healthcare and was looking for a new job in the same sector, but was reluctant to work rotating shifts. Recognising her strong communication skills and ability to deal with diverse patients, she was advised to take up a role as a student care teacher with regular work hours. This successful transition allows her to leverage her transferable experience while accommodating her new parental responsibilities.

Make use of the SkillsFuture Credit

You should embrace lifelong learning and flexibility, as these qualities will enable you to pivot, upskill and remain competitive in your career. As announced in the Budget 2024, all Singaporeans aged 40 and above will receive a $4,000 top up of SkillsFuture Credit in May. If you are eligible, take advantage of the government’s initiative to refresh your skills and advance your career. Visit the Myskillsfuture portal to learn more about the SkillsFuture Credit.

Align new skills with career goals and motivation

When acquiring new skills, it is important to align them with your career interests and what keeps you motivated. Instead of following trends, focus on skills that are relevant to your desired job and industry. Consider what aspects of a job excite you and what skills are needed to excel in those roles. Choosing skills that align with your career goals will ensure that your efforts are directed towards meaningful advancement. This approach increases your chances of success and keeps you engaged and motivated throughout the learning process.

For example, an acquaintance of Ms Nurajibah, who had a finance background, was retrenched during the pandemic. But she seized the opportunity to pivot into a healthcare role and contribute to the pandemic response. As the situation improved, she recognised the growing importance of data analytics and pursued relevant courses. Now, she has successfully transitioned into a career in data analytics, leveraging her financial acumen and newfound skills to thrive in a dynamic field.

Research company culture and background

When applying for a job or attending an interview, you need to research the company's culture and background of its key employees. Understanding this culture will help you determine if it is in line with your values and work style, ensuring a potential fit. Researching key individuals within the company also provides insight into the company's leadership and the professionals they employ. Platforms such as LinkedIn offer valuable information about company culture and employees' backgrounds, allowing you to make informed decisions about your career path.

Visit the nearest Jobs and Skills Centre

Visit the nearest Jobs and Skills Centre Ms Nurajibah guiding a customer on how to use e2i’s interface to search for career opportunities.

Those looking for a job can visit the nearest Jobs and Skills Centre by visiting the e2i website. These centres offer various services to assist job seekers, including career guidance, skills upgrading advice and job search support.






Petua membantu anda mengharungi tempat kerja yang dinamik: Kembangkan kemahiran masa depan; gunakan pengalaman yang relevan untuk kerja baru anda; gunakan Kredit SkillsFuture untuk tingkatkan kemahiran; selaraskan kemahiran baru dengan matlamat dan motivasi kerjaya; selidik budaya dan latar belakang syarikat semasa memohon pekerjaan atau menghadiri temuduga; dan kunjungi Pusat Pekerjaan dan Kemahiran bagi nasihat kerjaya.



விறுவிறுப்பான வேலையிடத்தில் பணிபுரிய உதவும் குறிப்புகள்: எதிர்காலத்திற்குத் தயார்ப்படுத்தும் திறன்களை வளர்த்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள்; உங்களது புதிய வேலைக்குத் தேவையான அனுபவத்தைப் பயன்படுத்துங்கள்; திறனை மேம்படுத்திக்கொள்ள ஸ்கில்ஸ்ஃபியூச்சர் பயிற்சி உதவி நிதியைப் பயன்படுத்துங்கள்; வாழ்க்கைத்தொழில் இலட்சியங்களுக்கும் ஊக்கத்திற்கும் ஏற்ப புதிய திறன்களைத் தேர்ந்தெடுங்கள்; ஒரு வேலைக்கு விண்ணப்பம் செய்யும்போது அல்லது நேர்காணலுக்குச் செல்லும்போது நிறுவனத்தின் பணிமுறையையும் பின்னணியையும் ஆராயுங்கள்; அருகிலுள்ள வேலை, திறன் நிலையத்திற்குச் சென்று வாழ்க்கைத்தொழில் ஆலோசனை பெறுங்கள்.